Cricket Case Studies | 15/03/2017
Old Leodiensians Cricket Club managed to secure funding to install a double bay facility on the ground and after evaluating the market awarded a contract for a facility 34.00 x 9.40m with a 2m high perimeter fence to control use. The proposed location had a fall of over 1.3m down the length and was at higher level than the adjacent outfield. To comply with ECB requirements and the fencing this fall had to be reduced to 1:100 resulting
in a cut of over 1m at the batting ends.
In reducing this level new banks were formed to two sides and the bank adjacent to the outfield was removed and graded into the existing banks.
Once excavated and the surrounds graded work commenced on the installation of the sockets and the construction of the new cricket pitch bases. The club selected to have batting and bowling ends with Superverde surfaces and Verdegrass 14 surrounds and incorporated one Premier and one Test Match system at the batting ends in order to provide different performance parameters to suit all levels within the club.
In line with ECB recommendations an 18.30m long 3.60m high frame consisting of 42mm diameter tubular steel was installed with 2.3mm knotless netting. The roof and perimeter netting are fixed together and sit over the frame so that its weight is supported by the frame creating low stress on the fixing points. Our unique safety screens were installed around the batsmen protecting the netting and enabling bowlers to easily sight balls hit back at them.
At the end of the bowlers run ups and frame with white netting has been erected to help batsmen sight balls and protect the fencing from balls hit out of the frame.
A Perimeter fence consisting of 2m high 5mm V Mesh panels was erected around the facility with a double gated access point at the bowling end on one side.
Cricket Case Studies | 15/03/2017
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