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Profiled Rubber

Profiled Rubber is a black granulated rubber shockpad in a "egg carton" appearance with a profile of 15mm/7mm (the highest part being 15mm and the lowest part being 7mm). Verde supply Profiled Rubber for a variety of applications. It is popular as a protective underlay beneath synthetic grasses but more commonly used for installing in bowling green ditches to cushion the fall and prevent the bowl from moving. Profiled Rubber is usually supplied in 1.25m strips x your required ditch width. These short lengths are easy to lift to shake out dirt, stones and leaves.

In order to order the correct amount below, you will need to have two measurements to hand. 

1) The perimiter of your bowling green. (Standard is 160m)

2) The width of your ditches. 

As each strip of profiled rubber is 1.25m in length, you will need to divide the perimeter of the green by 1.25m, for example on a standard green size of 40.00m x 4.00m (160m perimter):

160.00m divided by 1.25m is 128. This means you will need 128 strips. 

We will then need the width of your ditch to tell us an accurate amount of square meterage. 

For example, on the above green, if the ditch width was 0.25m, you would select the relevant ditch width from the drop-down box. Once selected, you would then need to select the correct number in the quantity drop down box. (The correct number in this instance is 128) 

If you would like us to double check the above for you, or if you'd prefer to discuss this in more detail over the telephone, please call us on 01254 831666.  Please specify the total length of each of your bowling green ditches (including the corners) and the width of your ditch. We will then work out how many pieces of rubber you require and provide the relevant cost.

£28.70 Per M2
  • Bowling Green Ditches

This is dependent on the application required - please contact us for more information. 

Pile Height: 15/7mm
Colour: Black
Roll Length: 20m
Roll Width: 1.25m
Description: Dimpled rubber mat bound with polyeurethane
Temperature Resistance: – 40 C up to 115 C
Fire Resistance: Class B 2 DIN 4102
Weight: 6.10 kg per square metre

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